Dreamers of Wisconsin Scholarship Recipients
Gilberto Osuna-Leon
2018 Scholarship Recipient
University of Wisconsin-Madison
“I was born in Mazatlan, Sinaloa all I can remember of the family I used to have are the tears of my cousins, uncles, and aunts. I was 3 years old when I was on a shuttle with my parents, and brothers clueless about where I was going. I remember bursting into tears because I couldn't face the fact that I was being stripped away from everyone and everything I knew. My parents, however, thought that this was in my best interest. Going to the land of opportunity where one could accomplish all of their dreams. We were headed to the United States of America. The shuttle took us to an airport and we flew away from Mexico.
We come from poverty, violence, and social struggle all of which still seem prominent here. Paying out of state tuition is unrealistic for an immigrant family that is barely hanging onto a thread. However, my education means the world to me because it means that one day our financial and social struggle could change. I aspire to become a physician who serves as a beacon of light for families like my own. My financial hardships have made me who I am today because I am now a person who values hard work and understands how much of a privilege education is.
I want my success and involvement in my education and the medical community to be for people who lack the right to health care, and for those who are afraid to ask for help. I am committed to become a Latino spokesperson who represents all underrepresented individuals.”